- Eddie Pinero
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- Be Ferociously Impatient
Be Ferociously Impatient
Be ferociously patient.
What does this mean? To me, it’s staying fiercely consistent, detail-focused, and tenacious in your daily efforts, while simultaneously playing the long game. It’s having your head in the clouds and feet firmly on the ground.
One of the things I’ve wanted to do more of is share some of my personal journey with you. Not from a point of ego or a “Hey, look at me” attitude. But, to put it simply, I want you to know that if I can make progress in certain arenas, you certainly can too. I firmly believe greatness is about everyday people committing to extraordinary outcomes.
Well, this week, I’d love to take a second and update you on my five-month (and counting) mission to put some weight on my skinny runner frame. It’s been an adventure, to say the least, filled with immense patience and commitment.
First hurdle—injuries and mobility. For someone who has pounded the pavement for thousands upon thousands of miles over the last decade, it’s a miracle my knees haven’t exploded, and my back hasn’t given out entirely.
I’ve been on a mission to find that perfect balance, giving my body the love it needs to keep charging ahead without falling apart.
I’ve learned to be patient with my body when it’s hurt or strained, treating it with care and respect. Incorporating sauna sessions and cold plunges into my routine has been a game-changer, soothing sore muscles and boosting recovery.
Stretching before workouts, which I used to skip, has been crucial in keeping my muscles flexible and preventing injuries. I’ve also discovered the benefits of cupping therapy, which improves blood flow and reduces muscle tension, giving my body the much-needed relief it craves.
These adjustments have helped me to keep pushing forward.
Next up, let’s talk about turning fitness into a lifestyle. Sure, I still enjoy an occasional beer with my buddies, but I’ve realized that being healthy goes beyond the gym. A killer workout won’t undo staying up until 3:00 a.m. munching on hot Cheetos and pizza.
Living a healthy lifestyle is all about getting quality sleep, soaking up some sunlight, and fueling your body with wholesome food. Staying hydrated and allowing yourself to rest is also an important part of the equation.
It’s also VERY helpful to hang out with like-minded folks who keep you inspired and motivate you to stay on track. These daily habits add up, making a healthy lifestyle feel like an enjoyable, sustainable journey rather than a chore.
Now let’s talk about targets—you can’t hit one that isn’t there!
Keeping tabs on your weight and BMI isn’t just about numbers; it’s about staying accountable and making sure you’re on the right track. Think of it as your personal GPS guiding you toward your fitness goals.
Monitoring these numbers helps you understand what’s working and what needs tweaking. Plus, it’s incredibly satisfying to see and measure your progress.
And I can’t leave out consistency—it’s crucial. You know those days when the couch looks way more inviting than the gym? That’s when it counts the most. I like to think of it like a muscle—the more you flex it, the stronger it gets. Every day I push myself it makes it easier the next day.
I still have a long way to go, but that’s the beauty of it—time will take care of itself. In the meantime, all I can do is check the daily boxes and set myself up for growth. Injuries will happen, setbacks will come, but it’s all part of the long game. The key is to give your body what it needs, be patient, and trust the process.
Lesson learned: everything is fixable. You just have to 1. Believe it and 2. Commit to it.
I can’t wait to share an update in a few months and I encourage you to join me in your daily pursuit of something exciting, discovering and becoming your new, evolved self.
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Continue to live inspired,
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