- Eddie Pinero
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- The Power Of Surrender
The Power Of Surrender
This week, I want to explore a concept that’s both simple and deeply transformative: change. We often associate change with action—taking steps, sometimes tiny steps, sometimes giant leaps toward something new, something better. But change isn’t always about doing more or pushing harder. Sometimes, it’s about knowing when to do “nothing.”
It’s easy to focus on the tangible changes we can make—switching careers, setting boundaries, or chasing that dream we’ve kept in the back of our minds for years. These decisions are clear, powerful, and often necessary. But equally important is recognizing when not to act. When to pause. When to step back and realize that no amount of effort or willpower can alter certain circumstances.
The Stoics understood this well, and you might recognize the wisdom in the Serenity Prayer:
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
It’s such a simple idea, but it can revolutionize how we live our lives. During an interview I did with author Bronnie Ware, (who wrote “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying) she shared with me one of the greatest lessons she’s learned: the power of surrender.
As a 26-year-old, full of ambition and ever-rising cortisone levels, I scoffed at the idea. Surrender? Why would I ever surrender when I could keep fighting, keep pushing? But as life unfolded, it became clear—surrendering to the things beyond our control isn’t about giving up. It’s about being wise. It’s about making space for what we can control and pouring our energy into that.
Surrender is not weakness; it’s a superpower.
Look at someone like Tom Brady. When he faced inclement weather before a big game, he didn’t obsess over it or waste energy trying to wish it away. He didn’t keep refreshing the weather app. Why? Because he knew the weather was out of his control. Instead, he focused on preparing himself and his team for the things they could control.
We can all take a lesson from that. There are things in life—big, small, everyday things—that we can’t change. We can’t change the people around us, the past, or externalities occurring on the other side of the globe. But there is always something we can improve, starting with ourselves.
I encourage you to reflect on the areas of your life where you’re feeling resistance. Is it something you can change? Is it something you can let go of? Embrace the wisdom in knowing the difference.
Remember, there’s always something you can change. Even if it’s just your perspective.
Continue to live inspired,
Click here to view this week’s video on surrender
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